9800 South 800 East, Sandy, UT 84070
Grades:  5 – 12    801-826-5220

Welcome to Canyons Virtual Academy Academic Policies!  

Take a minute or two and review our policies.  Click a policy heading below to review that policy.

Academic Integrity Policy

Attendance Policy

Grade Replacement Policy

Minimum Completion Time Policy

Student Code of Conduct

Academic Integrity Policy

The purpose of student work and assessments in each Canyons Virtual Academy course is so a teacher can determine whether or not the student has learned and understands the content of the course.  Students are expected to complete all Canyons Virtual Academy course work and assessments with “academic integrity.” Academic integrity focuses on honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. Students should complete all coursework in a manner that embodies these values and promotes hard work and honest effort. A violation of the Canyons Virtual Academy academic integrity policy is considered academic misconduct.

Academic misconduct includes:

  • Completing coursework for another person.
  • Allowing coursework to be completed by another person.
  • Plagiarizing coursework from another person and submitting as your own work.
  • Copying and pasting content from any source, including course materials and information found on the internet, and submitting it as your own work.
  • Maliciously submitting incomplete work.  Resubmissions may be deducted 25%.
  • Using the internet to search for quiz & test answers.
  • Using artificial intelligence software such as ChatGPT will be construed as a violation of our academic integrity policy. Violations include, but are not limited to, any intentional or unintentional attempt to present a student’s academic work as their own via plagiarism, misrepresentation of work, or unauthorized use of resources or content and is not allowed.
  • Academic misconduct falsifies your understanding and undermines an ability to determine how well you’re doing in the course. Such misconduct may result in a lower course overall grade, expulsion from the course, and the possibility of disqualification of future Canyons Virtual Academy course enrollments.

During Final Tests:

The following will be considered an academic integrity violation:

  • Any windows or tabs open in addition to the test
  • Any use of an electronic device including a phone, smart watch, unauthorized calculator, etc.
  • Copying and pasting content from any source and submitting as your own work.
  • This list is not all inclusive.  Any student action that is not in compliance with academic integrity may be subject to being treated as having violated the Academic Integrity Policy.

If a violation occurs, the student will:

  • Be asked to stop taking the final test.
  • Be required to submit their test immediately.
  • Be asked to leave the testing facility.
  • Be required to complete the Student Online Success workshop within 14 days.

In addition, the course teacher and parent/guardian will be notified.

  • Student will incur a 15 percent penalty will be applied to the one test retake, if applicable and allowed.
  • Student will notify the Canyons Virtual Academy via email to re-schedule the test.  Students may have 2 days to review course material prior to testing. Students must give Canyons Virtual Academy office 24 hours notice prior to re-testing.

Minimum Completion Time Policy

Canyons Virtual Academy courses are designed to be taken asynchronously and independently of set schedules and traditional due dates. However, all courses require regular interaction between the student and teacher for the purposes of teaching, evaluating, and providing feedback.  In addition, some courses have assignments requiring students to track items for a set number of days.  The minimum timeframe for course completion is 14 days following the course start date.

Attendance Policy

State law require that Canyons Virtual Academy track and report student “attendance” in all Canyons Virtual Academy courses.

  • What this means for Canyons Virtual Academy students: All students are required to actively participate in their class on a weekly basis; failure to do so will result in an absence. “Actively participate” means that they must submit at least one assignment/quiz/project per week. If these conditions are not met, the student will be counted as absent from that course and their course will be inactivated.
  • If a student is considered absent and course access is inactivated:  The student will be inactivated from the course. However, no work will be lost.
  • For course reactivation:  If withdrawn, the student will need to submit a Help Ticket for course reactivation through their Canyons Virtual Academy Registration Account to resume coursework. Students can only reactivate a course once per school year. Make sure you are ready to work when you request your one reactivation.

Additional Details on Law and Policy Changes

State law require that schools with non-traditional programs establish a written policy that defines a “continuing enrollment measure.” (If interested in the fine print, see Section R277-419.) As a result, the Canyons District Board of Education adopted Policy JEB – Pupil Accounting for Non-Traditional Programs. This policy relates directly to Canyons Virtual High School and its students.

How Attendance Will Be Measured

Attendance will be measured using login time-stamps and activity logs from within the learning management system. If students log into a course at least once every seven days and make significant progress by completing course activities, they will be counted as present in that course. Alternatively, if students fail to log in at least once every seven days and does not complete any activities, they will be counted as absent for seven consecutive days.  Consequently must be un-enrolled from the course.

Requesting Re-Enrollment

When un-enrolled, student access to course content is inactivated. Nevertheless, re-activation (and re-enrollment) may occur at any time until the end of the current school year without penalty and without loss of course work – but must be petitioned by submitting a request for course reactivation through their Canyons Virtual Academy Registration Account in order to resume coursework. If you have any questions about this policy, please contact the Canyons Virtual Academy Office directly (cva@canyonsdistrict.org or 801-826-5220).

Grade Replacement Policy

As per Utah State Board of Education Administrative Rule R277-717, high school students have the option to improve a course grade by repeating and/or completing a “comparable course”.

Students wishing to take a course in order to replace a grade must complete the Intent to Enroll in a Course for the Purpose of Replacing a Course Grade form and submit it to their school counselor prior to enrolling in the comparable course. Upon completion, the school registrar will adjust the transcript to reflect the student’s highest grade and exclude the lower grade, as necessary. 

If you have any questions about this policy, please contact your school’s registrar prior to completing replacement courses.

Student Code of Conduct Policy

As stated by the Utah State Board of Education, “Students are encouraged to engage in the highest standards of civil and ethical behavior on school grounds, during school sponsored activities, and in school-related communications and interactions.” Canyons Virtual Academy students are expected to follow the Canyon’s School District Student Conduct and Discipline Policy. In addition, Canyons Virtual Academy students are expected to:

  • complete all coursework in a manner that embodies the Canyons Virtual Academy Academic Integrity Policy promoting hard work and honest effort.
  • conduct themselves in a manner that contributes to a productive learning atmosphere for themselves and their classmates.
  • participate in course discussions and other required course activities.
  • use various technology and software appropriately as outlined in the Canyons School District’s Acceptable Use Policy.
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Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org