9800 South 800 East, Sandy, UT 84070
Grades:  5 – 12    801-826-5220

Proctored Testing

Each Canyons Virtual Academy course has one proctored test.  Tests requiring proctoring include the optional competency exams. Proctored tests are clearly labeled with the word “Proctored” in each course/quarter and required a proctor to enter the password in a district testing center.

The proctored module test generally occurs somewhere from the middle to the end of the course. Module tests cover the information in that module/section of the course. Final exams are typically at the end of the course and cover the entire quarter’s content. Driver’s Education contains a final exam where the test is at the end of the course and is comprehensive and is required by the State.  Competency Exam information can be found here. Students must take and submit the proctored exam under proctor supervision at a Canyons Virtual Academy testing center. If students live more than 35 miles from a Canyons Virtual Academy testing location, please submit a help ticket or send us an email at cva@canyonsdistrict.org for more information on completing your proctored exam.

Time Left to Complete Your Session 3 Courses


The last day to work on Session 3 courses is March 27th, 2025 which includes all testing.  Yes, it is VERY busy during the last week so don’t wait until the last minute to take your proctored test. “I could not find a time that worked for me” is not an excuse to not finish.  Please plan your vacations, camps, fun times, work schedules, transportation needs, and appointments accordingly.

(Note: Due to potential online security or service reliability issues, we do not recommend testing out of the US. If you will be out of the country and unable to take your test in person, please note that Canyons Virtual Academy is not responsible for equipment failure, tech support/troubleshooting, internet security concerns and the like. Canyons Virtual Academy will not accommodate time differences for scheduling. Submit a help ticket with your questions.)

Test Proctoring
Days, Times, and Locations

Days and times vary–see sign up sites below.

NOTE:  Students requiring IEP/504/DLP/SPED accommodations are required to contact the CVA Office for appointments so your accommodations can be met.

For specific dates and times, check out our signup sites for the type of test you are taking.

Regular testing appointments for Original Credit Final Exams, Module Exams, Credit Recovery Exams 
Use this sign up site to make your appointment (required).

Competency exam appointments for Competency Exams
Use this sign up site to make your appointment (required).

So come on by and take a test . . . or two!  Don’t forget your photo ID.

NOTE:  Students MUST follow the CSD dress code policy. Canyons Virtual Academy staff may refuse to test, whether in person or virtually, any student whose clothing/attire would violate CSD dress code policy.

Proctored Testing locations and addresses are listed below.  To sign up for a test, please go to either the Regular or Competency link above.

MORNING & AFTER SCHOOL PROCTORING will be held at our testing location at Diamond Ridge High School.
9800 South 800 East in Sandy. Testing room entrance is on the east side of the building. Look for the signs that show you the way. 

  • Morning Testing: Walk-ins welcome 8:00 am – 11:00 am on Wednesdays & Thursdays ONLY.
    (Walk-in means you are not guaranteed a seat. First come, first serve)
  • After School Proctoring: Monday-Friday (excluding Holidays/Breaks)
  • Summer: Testing will ONLY be offered at this location during the summer.
Alta High School, 11055 S 1000 E, Sandy – Room 1304
  • Lunch Time Proctoring: Currently Unavailable
  • After School Proctoring: Currently Unavailable
Brighton High School, 2220 Bengal Blvd., Cottonwood Heights – Media Center (2nd Floor) Rm 2600
  • After School Proctoring: Thursdays
Corner Canyon High School, 12943 S 700 East, Draper – Room T104
  • Lunch Time Proctoring: Currently Unavailable
  • After School Proctoring: Mondays
Hillcrest High School, 7350 S 900 E, Midvale – Room A137
  • Lunch Time Proctoring: Second Tuesday of every month
  • After School Proctoring: Tuesdays
Jordan High School, 95 Beetdigger Blvd., Sandy – MC Lab A
  • Lunch Time Proctoring: Wednesdays
  • After School Proctoring: Wednesdays

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org